Serafín Fernández

The European project #EBPeToolkit launches the Open Educational Resources (OER), an online resource for Evidence-Based Practice

OER is an online library that includes all types of online and free licensed resources related to Evidence-based Practice (EBP), focus on nurses learning. Target audience are nursing students, nurses, educators, and nurses in general interested in learning EBP. You will find open-access resources in […]

The European project #EBPeToolkit launches the Open Educational Resources (OER), an online resource for Evidence-Based Practice CONTINUE READING »

New meeting of the partners of the European project #EBPeToolkit to advance in the development of the training program in competencies in Evidence-Based Practice for nurses

New meeting of the partners of the European project #EBPeToolkit to advance the development of the Evidence-Based Practice competency training program for nurses. The European project #EBPeToolkit continues to advance despite the pandemic. The work teams from the different universities have met virtually to share

New meeting of the partners of the European project #EBPeToolkit to advance in the development of the training program in competencies in Evidence-Based Practice for nurses CONTINUE READING »